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Transfer receipt in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-09-18Updated:2024-09-18
Similar words: transferredtransferrintransfer ratetransferringownership transfertransferrabledata transfer ratetransfer
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1. Please enclose the transfer receipt in this return envelope.
2. Please send the transfer receipt by any of the above donation methods with the donation form to the address for a donation receipt.
3. Wire transfer receipt - sensitive information hidden. Funds donated through the Chinese Embassy in Canada.
4. Upon the receipt of your bank transfer receipt , you will receive our confirmation notice of your successful registration.
5. Please keep the transfer receipt for your record and send a copy of the receipt together with this donation form to the Organizer .
5. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
6. Please send the transfer receipt with the donation form to the address for a donation receipt.
7. Application fee receipt : NT$1,600 / US$60. (Including postage fee) Should the application fee be remitted to the university account, please enclose a copy of Bank Telegram Transfer receipt .
8. Should the application fee be remitted to the university account, please enclose a copy of Bank Telegram Transfer receipt. The sender's name must be the same as the applicant's.
9. Pay the full amount by bank transfer and fax a copy of the bank transfer receipt to the School.
10. You can complete and sign the authorization form on the transfer receipt to authorize a representative to collect your share certificates for you.
11. To obtain an receipt , please send the original bank transfer receipt with this form to us.
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